03 蒲亨强/明代道教仪式音乐研究
PU Hengqiang:A Study on Taoist Liturgical Music in Ming Dynasty
15 杜亚雄/阮咸考
DU Yaxiong:A Textual Analysis of Ruanxian
22 李寄萍/南音“工ㄨ谱”称谓辩析
LI Jiping: An Analysis of the Term of Nanyin Gong-qe-po
29 谢 丹/从艺术传播学角度看柳永词对宋代民间歌曲的影响
XIE Dan: The Influence of Liu Yong’s Poems on Song Dynasty Folk Songs from the View of Art Communication
34 齐柏平/田秧山歌的种类、特点与“潜功能”
QI Baiping: The Types, Characteristics and Functions of Field Folk Songs
48 温德朝/论柳琴戏——一个地方戏剧样本的审美文化考察
WEN Dechao: On Liuqin Opera: An Aesthetic and Cultural Observation of a Local Opera Sample
48 王建朝 杨再英/贵州省雷山县苗族酒歌的唱词和旋律特征
WANG Jianchao,YANG Zaiying: The Features in the Lyrics and Melodies of Guizhou Leishan County's Toast Songs
55 刘小琴/四川清音曲牌【背工调】探微
LIU Xiaoqin: A Study on Beigong Tune in Sichuan Qingyin Opera
61 冯 晓/简朴·自然·随意——中(zhong)国农(nong)村民间音乐特点及(ji)其社会成因探析FENG Xiao: The Characteristics and Social Causes in China Rural Folk Music
68 侯 钫 李 娜/文化精准扶贫助推革命老区脱贫奔康研究——以四川音乐学院帮扶广元昭化区为例
HOU Fang,LI Na:A Study on the Targeted Measure in Culture Poverty Alleviation:A Case Study of Old Revolutionary Base Area Guangyuan Zhaohua
74 连续敏/闽台高等院校钢琴教育比较与发展对策研究
LIAN Xumin: A Comparison in Piano Education of Higher Learning Between Fujian and Taiwan and a Study on its Developing Strategies
81 康 涛/奥尔夫教育理念在老年音乐教育中的应用初探
KANG Tao: A Preliminary Exploration in the Application of Carl Orff’s Education Concept in Senior Citizens’ Music Education
89 刘 珂 吴 漾/论音乐偏好维度研究的重要性——基于心理学视角的分析
LIU KE, WU Yang: The Significance of the Study on Music Predilection: An Analysis from the View of Psychology
101 孙 宇/勋伯格《五首管弦乐小品》(Op.16 No.2)结构思维研究
SUN Yu:The Structural Thinking in Arnold Schoenberg's Five Orchestral Pieces
108 石 磊/“未来音乐”的探索者——李斯特实验性和声语言及其对“未来音乐”的预示
SHI Lei: Liszt's Experimental Harmonics and Its Prediction for Future Music
121 胡 苏/兼容并包“古典”与“浪漫”精髓的典范之作——勃拉姆斯《g小调狂想曲》析要
HU Su:A Classical Romance: A Study on Brahms' Rhapsody in G Minor
131 冯巧婷/两岸单簧管创作音乐之比较研究
FENG Qiaoting:A Comparison of Contemporary Clarinet Composition between Mainland China and Taiwan
140 徐静平/浅谈长笛吐音技巧与应用
XU Jingping:The Techniques of Flute Tonguing and Their Application