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发布日期:2019/1/18 10:44:07     作者:


03  周思源/因地制宜 聚焦重点 为四川同步全面建成小康社会提供有力文化产业支撑


ZHOU Siyuan: Some Reflections on Accelerating the Development of Sichuan Cultural Industry


16  杨和平/李荣寿《新声》研究

YANG Heping: A Study on LI Rongshou’s Xinsheng

23  肖阳/从《音乐周刊》看国立音乐专科学校早期的音乐实践活动及其当下意义

XIAO Yang: The Musical Practice and its Significance in the Early Days of National Music School Viewed from Music Weekly


32  傅利民、傅聪/江西传统吹打乐的形态特征研究

FU Limin, FU Cong: The Characteristics of the Traditional Wind and Percussion Music in Jiangxi Province

42  郑茂平/巴渝民歌语言的方音特质与族群心理认同研究

ZHENG Maoping: The Dialectal Features and Ethnic Psychological Identity in the Folk Songs of Bayu Region

50  常江涛、尚广平/音乐传播视角下 “同宗民歌”研究三十年(19862016)述评

CHANG Jiangtao, SHANG Guangping: A Review of the Studies on the Folk Songs of the Same Origin from the Year 1986 to 2016 in the Perspective of Music Communication

58  夏凡/花边阮咸的民间遗存——潮州秦琴音律形态研究

XIA Fan: Study of The Temperaments of Chaozhou Qinqin


68  林戈尔/当代古蜀乐乐队建制构想

LIN Ge’er:A Conception on the Orchestration of Ancient Shu Music

73  王滔/基于《经典咏流传》的古诗词流行歌曲传承研究

WANG Tao: A Study on the Inheritance of Ancient Poetry Based on the TV Program Everlasting Classics

77  谢丹/浅析《史记》记载的几首慷慨悲歌

XIE Dan: A Brief Analysis of the Heroic Elegies in Records of the Historian


81  侯钫/高职院校综合艺术课程教学实践探析

HOU Fang: The Teaching Practice in the Integrated Art Courses of Vocational Colleges

85  安冰冰、李晓明/跨学科 学科际——高校开展管乐教育课程的现状与意义研究

AN Bingbing, LI Xiaoming:The Current Situation and Significance of Offering Wind Band Courses in Universities

89  古幼玲/钟灵毓秀 大音希声——郎毓秀教授教学方法回顾

GU Youling: A Review of Professor Lang Yuxiu’ s Teaching Approach

96  陆敏捷、胡晓/论电子音乐“REWM创新性人才培养模式”

LU Minjie, HU Xiao: The REWM Mode of Talents Cultivation in Electronic Music


105  向洋/那荣管弦乐作品Phenomenon的作曲技法研究

XIANG Yang: The Composition Techniques of Narong Prangcharoen’s Phenomenon

117  褚苑苑/音乐剧唱段的戏剧性创作方法研究——以西方经典唱段为例

CHU Yuanyuan: Composing Musicals with Dramatics: A Case Study of Western Musical Classics

122  任佳/爵士乐元素在吉雅·坎切利交响乐作品中的隐性呈示

REN Jia: The Elements of Jazz in Giya Kancheli’s Symphonies

131  张乐/多维视角下的视唱练耳与乐理课程研究

ZHANG Le: A Study on the Courses of Solfeggio, Ear training and Music Theory from a Multi-dimensional View

135  史倩/民族声乐演唱情感的主体表达——以八首民族女高音声乐作品的演唱事件为例

SHI Qian: The Emotional Expression in China National Vocal Music: A Case Study of Performing Eight Soprano Vocal Works





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