


News Information


发布日期:2019/10/24 9:27:56     作者:


03/ 刘永福/ 略述杨荫浏先生的“弦律观”

LIU Yongfu:  Yang Yinliu’s View on String Temperament

09/ 蒲亨建/ 中西音乐形态的第三个共性特征

PU Hengjian: The Third Common Feature in Chinese and Western Musical Forms

14/ 沈博/东龙山遗址出土玉石璧音乐声学测量及初步研究

SHEN Bo: A Preliminary Study on the Musical Acoustics of the Jade Unearthed from Donglong Mountain Relic

22/ 张晨/ 历史·当代·叙事——谈诺曼•莱布雷希特《为什么是马勒?》的写作特质

ZHANG Chen: The Characteristics of Composition in Norman Lebrecht’s Why Mahler——How One Man and Ten Symphonies Changed the World

30/ 居地希/广东戏剧研究所戏剧和音乐活动初探

JU Dixi: A Review of the Dramatic and Musical Events Undertaken by Guangdong Institute of Dramatic Art


37/ 孙振民/ 丝绸之路与龟兹乐的形成和传播

SUN Zhenmin: The Silk Road and Kuchean Music’s Forming and Spreading

42/ 王亮/ 20世纪50年代越剧与评弹传统书目的整改——以《白蛇传》为例

WANG Liang: The Rectification of the Traditional Repertoire of Yue Opera and Pingtan in 1950s: A Case Study of the Legend of the White Snake

50/ 陈炜 刘霄/ 西南地区少数民族音乐类非物质文化遗产生产性保护模式研究

CHEN Wei, LIU Xiao: A Study on the Protection Mode of the Music Intangible Cultural Heritage of Southwestern Ethnic Minorities


ZHOU Wei: The Evolution of Minor Tune from the Immigrated Folk Tunes in Min Opera

71  王斌/论新化山歌的音乐形态特征与社会功能

WANG Bin: The Morphological Characteristics of Xinhua Folk Song and Its Social Function

79  李雪梅/ “悲哉,秋之为气也!”——打谱《宋玉悲秋》 感知文人之“悲秋”情怀

LI Xuemei: The Sentiment of Literati in Ancient Qin Music Songyu Lamenting Autumn


87  林戈尔/关于作曲主科教学的点点滴滴

LIN Ge’er: Some Thoughts on Major Composition Teaching

93  王建朝/再论我国民族音乐学家的“守土职责”

WANG Jianchao:A Further Discussion on Chinese Ethnomusicologists’ “Preserving Role”

101  闫兵/幼儿钢琴启蒙教育研究

YAN Bing: A Study in Elementary Piano Education for Young Children

105  江帆/ 百尺无枝 卓尔不群——简析陶西格钢琴曲集《每日练习曲》

JIANG Fan: On Carl Tausig’s Piano Collection Daily Studies


116  雍敦全 李天昊 宋康 刘茜/ 对成都市创建“音乐之都”的几点思考

YONG Dunquan, LI Tianhao, SONG Kang, LIU Qian: Some Reflections on Making Chengdu the City of Music


122  张晓波 吴琼 王茜/交响乐数字化的探索与实践——以四川音乐学院院长的民族交响乐作品为例

ZHANG Xiaobo, WU Qiong, WANG Qian: The Exploration and Practice of Digitalizing Symphonic Works: A Case Study of the Chinese Orchestra Works by SCCM Presidents

127  黄珩/转换理论中“距离集合”的阐释及应用分析

HUANG Heng: The Interpretation and Application of the Interval Function Conception of Transformation Theory

134  周姝/主题倒影在巴赫《平均律钢琴曲集》赋格曲中的运用

ZHOU Shu:The Application of Theme Reflection in Fugues of Bach’s The Well-Tempered Clavier





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